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Workshop for teachers- 4 C’s of communication

Teaching is a never ending learning process. The world is changing rapidly and so is the teaching process- the need to shift from Show and Tell to participate in learning is a must. So to cope up with the need of learning a workshop was organised by the school in collaboration with Teach Next.

The workshop highlighted the fact that teaching is no more an easy journey as a teacher has to be reflective, decision maker, a multilevel instructor and facilitator.

Critical Thinking, Collaborative Learning, Creativity, Creative Learning are the four effective ways of communication. Dr. Rachna ,Clinical Psychologist  and Coordinator from Teach Next gave the faculty  a thirty circle challenge wherein the teachers had  to use their creativity by using thirty circles and form them in different shapes. The activity opened the horizons of the creative aspect and taught that one has give just a little push to get new innovate ideas.

The aspect of creative thinking involves evaluation, synthesis of data, analysis, application of data, understanding and knowledge.

The workshop left everyone with a question –what could they do to make themselves better? How could they help the organization to become better? What efforts of their could help the students to gain better education? 

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