
Grade 1-D organised a class assembly on Diwali Celebration
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
Grade 1-D Assembly on Diwali
‘Let us move from darkness to light.’
Diwali, also known as Deepawali which means the array of lights, is the time to remove the darkness of ignorance within us and replace it with the light of knowledge and hope.
To mark the advent of the festive season, Grade 1-D organised a class assembly on Friday, 21st October 2021. They came dressed in traditional Indian colourful attire. Our little ones shared the significance of Diwali with great enthusiasm and zeal and are leading the way in spreading the message of a safe and ecofriendly Diwali. Melodious songs were sung by them which were enjoyed by one and all. A colourful and vibrant dance presentation filled the arena with hues of happiness. The efforts of the learners were well acknowledged by respected Director Principal Sir and Headmistress ma’am, Ms. Aparna Chandra.
The assembly was concluded with singing of the school song and National Anthem.
Wish you all a safe and happy Diwali.


    Food Donation Drive 2022 – Taking a step towards Humanity!
    Food Donation Drive 2022
    Food Donation Drive 2022
    Food Donation Drive 2022
    Food Donation Drive 2022
    Food Donation Drive 2022
    Food Donation Drive 2022
    Food Donation Drive 2022
    Food Donation Drive 2022
    Food Donation Drive 2022
    Food Donation Drive 2022
    Food Donation Drive 2022
    Food Donation Drive 2022
    Food Donation Drive 2022 – Taking a step towards Humanity!
    “We can’t heal the world today, but we can begin with a voice of compassion, a heart of love and an act of kindness.” 
    Standing at a critical crossroad, we are encountering hunger catastrophe in the world. Every day, millions of unfed mouths sleep empty stomach. On one hand, food is wasted in large quantities, its dark side is really agonizing to contemplate. To mitigate this gap and contribute towards humanity, St. Xavier’s High School has endeavoured to provide food to the needy on occasion of World Food Day by organizing a Food Donation Drive 2022 from 10th October to 14th October, 2022 in the vicinity of the school premises. All the students extended their warmth and compassion by participating in the food donation drive. Our young Xaverians went to the nearby slums to support the pedestrians and underprivileged people by distributing packaged food items. Even a small step can make a difference. An initiative taken today would pave the way to build a better community based on benevolence, mutual support and humane spirit.  
    Give Food, Get Love and Gratitude!


      School Student Council Election for the Academic Session 2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23
      School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23

      St. Xavier's High School has always believed in creating leaders, with this in mind, we are all set to appoint the Junior School Student Council for the Academic Session  2022-23. The selection of the student body was done through elections held on 17th October, wherein the students of Grade V voted for any one of the 6 shortlisted candidates for the position of Head Boy and Head Girl. The students got an experience of voting and were made familiar with the electoral process.  There were 4 voting booths set up along with ballot boxes and ballot papers with the details of the shortlisted candidates. The voters showed great enthusiasm and zeal in the voting for their favourite one.


        Grade Nursery A presented a morning assembly on Goodness of fruits
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        Nursery -A Assembly
        “Every time you eat a fruit is an opportunity to nourish your body and health”
        With an objective to create awareness on the importance of fruits in our regular diet, the twinkling stars of Grade Nursery A presented a morning assembly on Goodness of fruits
        The presentation began by seeking blessings of the Almighty. Our tiny tots were dressed to reflect the colours of different fruits.
        The students spoke a few words about their theme. They sang the fruit rhyme with great zest and enthusiasm followed by a mesmerising dance performance .
        Through the class assembly, our young Xaverians presented a strong message that fruits and vegetables are better than junk food.
        The opportunity to present at the morning assembly provided the learners to exhibit their creativity and imagination.


          Career Counselling Session
          Career Counselling Session
          Career Counselling Session
          Career Counselling Session
          Career Counselling Session
          Career Counselling Session
          Career Counselling Session
          Career Counselling Session
          Career Counselling Session
          Career Counselling Session

          The University of Toronto conducted a Career Counselling Session at St. Xavier’s High School, Sector-49, Gurugram for the students of Grades 11th and 12th.

          St. Xavier’s High School offers an International Desk for the students who wish to  apply for further studies abroad and provides career counselling for the same for all the streams and guides the students as to how to apply in the best universities  all over the world.

          To make the students aware about the process, a session was conducted by the University of Toronto.  The university offers all kinds of programs for each stream i.e., Science (PCM/PCB), Commerce and Humanities/Arts. They offer over 700 undergraduate and 200 graduate programs across three campuses in the Greater Toronto Area, from architecture to medicine; music to urban studies they’ve got it all!

          It was a very fruitful and informative session for everyone present


            Inter-House Football Match
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022
            Inter-House Football Match 2022

            Inter-House Football Match

            The games make us active and healthy, and health is true wealth. Games and sports make us disciplined. They keep the machine of life running smoothly.
            Keeping with the same, a series of exciting football matches between all the four houses were held in a befitting manner from 7th to 10th October 2022. All the teams tried to outshine each other on the field to show their mettle.

            In the senior girls’ category, St. Nicholas house emerged victorious, whereas, in the senior boys’ category St. Patrick house was the winner.
            All the teams were equally strong and showed their excellent skills and performance.


              Food Donation Drive
              At St. Xavier’s High School, we always aim at raising responsible and compassionate individuals. We try to set an example by extending a helping hand to reach out to the less fortunate. 
              On the occasion of World Food Day the school is organising Food Donation Drive this year too . 
              You are requested to spread the word and donate food generously, outside the school’s gate which will be further bequeathed to the underprivileged children.
              Please note:
              * Only packed/canned or dry food to be donated
              * Dry ration items like sugar packets, rice, flour etc can also be donated.
              *Do ensure that the items donated are sealed properly to avoid any spill over. 
              Date - 10th October - 14th October, 2022.
              Venue - Gate No. 1 as well as Gate No. 2
              Every single donation helps, and together we hope our combined donations will make a real difference to those in need.
                • Food Donation Drive


                “Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.”
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme
                “Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.”
                Glimpses of the Xaverians of Grade III immersed in the Fountas & Pinnell: Guided Reading Programme, where the teachers felicitate a small group of learners to read and comprehend a text independently.
                Reading text is classified according to various parameters, such as word count, number of different words, number of high-frequency words, sentence length, sentence complexity, word repetitions, illustration support, etc. Small books containing a combination of text and illustrations are provided to Xaverians as per their reading level.
                These guided reading sessions help students develop greater control over the reading process through the development of reading strategies which assist decoding and construct meaning. The teacher scaffolds learners as they read, talk and think their way through a text. 
                At St. Xavier’s High School, we strongly believe in enriching the literacy quotient of the students, engaging into meaningful reading and creating a strong reading culture.


                  Team Xavier's congratulates the Art Team on their incredible success of winning the Art Installation Competition at Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022!!

                  *Team Xavier's congratulates the students and the Art Team on their incredible success of winning the Art Installation Competition at Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022!! Kudos to the untiring efforts, diligence and determination.Well-deserved accomplishment!!*

                  ??Why Me? 

                  From Womb to the Tomb

                   Pushed From Womb to the Tomb
                  Stream of life begins with a dot
                  A dot within a woman's womb
                  Who nurtures it day and night
                  Through her veins to make it shine bright
                  She is the epicentre of all existence
                  Genesis of the whole universe
                  Let her live and and bloom,
                  Cuddle and protect this powerful boon
                  Oh my friends and fellowmen
                  Doesn't your heart melt in slaughtering the ?!
                  Why not let this DOT become a towering ball of fire,
                  And give her the wings to achieve what she aspires!

                  Take an Oath before its too late!

                  STOP FEMALE FOETICIDE!

                    • Team Xavier


                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022 – A New Perspective of Art!
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022
                    Kukdukoo Art Fest 2022 – A New Perspective of Art!
                    With the flamboyant commencement of Kukdukoo Art Fest at Airia Mall Gugaon, children, educators, art experts, performers, illustrators and storytellers collaborated to celebrate India’s biggest art festival for children on 1st & 2nd October,2022 .As an official partner school, St. Xavier’s High School endeavoured to provide the budding artists a platform to showcase their artistic prowess through unique art forms and styles. A myriad of ecstatic and awe-inspiring competitions and exhibitions were conducted by the renowned artists of national repute to keep the excitement alive!
                    Xaverians in  their artistic pursuit displayed their creativity by way of different art forms. Be it the exquisite Art Installation, the overpowering performance in the street play, imaginative creations of clay, resplendent and artfully decorated diyas, intriguing art quiz or aesthetic butterfly designing, our young artists made use of these art forms to express their feelings, thoughts, ideas and convey a meaningful message for social issues. The art fest provided a golden opportunity to our young students to explore and learn new horizons of art under the proficient guidance of experienced mentors.



                      St. Xaviers High School, Sector-49 Gurugram, is delighted and ecstatic to invite you to an Online Marathon of colossal Speeches by Xaverians of Grades VII & VIII as they go LIVE on our School Facebook page to express their views on 'Is following the path of truth a challenge in the present scenario?' on Sunday, 2nd October 2022 at sharp 10.00 am.
                      Join us on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti as our enthusiastic Xaverians gear up to express their opinion and evaluate Mahatma Gandhi's doctrine in the modern times.

                      Block your calendar - Sunday, 2nd October 2022 at 10 am LIVE on School's Facebook Page.


                        Gandhi Jayanti Celebration
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)
                        Gandhi Jayanti 2022 (Grade 1-B)

                        “Education is the basic tool for the development of consciousness and the reconstitution of society”
                        Mahatma Gandhi 

                        Young Xaverians of Grade 1-B  celebrated Gandhi Jayanti with a lot of vigour. It was an action packed morning full of children’s zealous performances. The Audience was mesmerised as the  children soulfully sang one of Bapu’s favourite bhajan "Raghupati Raghav Rajaram”. They also shared interesting anecdotes from Mahatma Gandhi’s life. Students’ enthusiasm was visible through their song and dialogue delivery. An exhibition can convey knowledge through the power of visual storytelling, replicas of artefacts associated to Mahatma Gandhi was setup for the students to know more about The Father of our Nation.


                          Dussehra: The Triumph of Good over Evil
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra 2022
                          Dussehra: The Triumph of Good over Evil
                          In our multicultural society we need to continuously reinforce the universal values of brotherhood, tolerance, peace, compassion, patriotism and solidarity in our children.
                          A celebration in the form of special assemblies is an effort to sensitise students towards living in harmony in a diverse society. They are taught to learn to use their thinking ability and skills to work for a safe and better world and to live in harmony with their fellow beings.
                          Taking this thought forward a special assembly on Dussehra was conducted on 30th September, 2022 with a lot of religious zeal and fervor.
                          The assembly commenced with a prayer song followed by a poem and a talk show. The Ramleela performed by the students of grade V was the highlight of the show. Children came dressed up as different characters from the Ramayana and enacted their roles amazingly which left the audience mesmerized and enthralled. The celebration ended with a dance performance which grabbed the attention of everyone thus leaving everybody in the festive mood.
                          The event was a learning experience for all of us and enriched us about our rich Indian culture and values.