A special assembly on the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi was held on Monday, 09 September 2024, by the learners of Grade 1-E. The assembly began on a spiritual note with a soulful recitation of a Ganesh Shloka.
The young Xaverians showcased their exceptional talent through a captivating skit, narrating the divine tale of Gajanand’s birth. They later highlighted the importance of celebrating an “Eco-friendly Ganesh Chaturthi” in different ways. The fun-filled assembly concluded with a rhythmic dance performance.
Director Principal, Ms. Ritu Mehta and Headmistress, Ms. Aparna Chandra, praised the children, commending them for their stellar performance and brilliant execution.
May this festival of “Ganesh Chaturthi” bring lots of happiness, joy, and prosperity to everyone’s life.
Ganpati Bappa Morya!