-By Dr.ItishaPuri
PRT English
“India is a place,
Unique in the space,
Beaded with pearls of unity,
Leaded with oneness in diversity,
Paving ways to integrity,
Saving itself with originality
And serving as an epitome of ‘Unity in Diversity’.”
India, withits rich and diverse heritage, culture, traditions and history, has always been looked upon as a land of Mahatma Gandhi, the trailblazer of peaceful campaigns. Following his ideology and taking the legacy forward, our country is striving for mutual respect and cooperation with all nations. India’s intention is clearly evidentfrom its peacekeeping efforts. It has always strongly advocated and supported the establishment of United Nations Organization and has worked hand in hand with the other countries to promote peace and security around the world.For thousands of years, our countryhas played apivotal role in the world economy and politics so much so that its influence prevails to this modern age. India has become the most populous country in the world. It has recognised its demographic dividend and is showing its strengthto the world. It has a thriving economy which is growing in leaps and bounds. Taking this platform as an opportunity, we will scrutinise and explore India’s resplendent role in the global world today, its supremacy across different continentsand its incredible journey of becoming the new superpower of the globe. The beautiful lines mentioned below describes India in the best possible way:
“If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life and has found solutions, I would point to India.” – Max Muller
A phenomenal journey is never free from stumbling blocks and our country is not an exception to this. It has faced its own share of challenges but always took them as opportunities and made a mark at the internationalplatform.In the current scenario, India is considered as one of the most powerfulnationsaround the globe with a significant presence across all major continents. Let’s take a glimpse at some of the recent key accomplishmentsof India in the Global World:
- In South Asia, India has been foraying as an economic power and its cultural and linguistic inheritance is widely respected.
- In East Asia, India has a close association with developed nations like Japan and China and is considered as a game changer in the region.
- In North America, India is emerging as a major education hub for the students and professionals seeking competent education and work opportunities.
- In Latin America, India is viewed as a potential collaboratorfor the development in sectorslikeenergy, infrastructure and trade.
- In Europe, India has forgeda strong alliance with several countries and is also a significant source of immigrants to the continent.
- In Africa, India has been constantly improving its economic and political relations with many countries across the continent.
In the contemporary times, India is playing a pivotal role on the world stage. With itsflourishing economy, abundant nuclear power reserves, massive military forces and diverse pool of resources and talent, India will play a consequential role in shaping the world around us.
At the economic forefront, India is emerging as one of the world’s fastest-growing economiesaccounting for about 15 per cent of the world’s total economic output. With an annual growth rate of around seven percent, it has been able to utilize its increasing economic and political clout to expand its influence around the globe. Its drive for becoming a self-reliant nation, has made it one of the largest exporters of various products and services around the world. Be it information technology, telecom services, petroleum products, manufacturing or pharmaceutical sector, India has been a key driver of global economic growth. India is also a member of a number of important international organizations, including the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the G20.
India’s large and rapidly growing middle class is making it a significant market for a wide-ranging products and services across the globe. Currently, there are around 300 million middle-class consumers in India, and this number is expected to grow to 600 million by 2030. This ever-growing middle class is playing a crucial role in the global consumption patterns and acting as a magnet for the leading multinational companies in the world.
India is the world’s largest democracy, with a population of over 1.4 billion people. The country’s integration into the global economy has been accompanied with economic growth during the last decade. India has risen to prominence as a global player.We hope these valuable insights into India’s position in the global community has added to your learning and will change your perspective about our nation’s history, economic development and politics in the years ahead.
“Be it the most developed nation or the poorest one, all of them look towards India. The world understands India’s potential.” –Hon’ble Prime Minister, Narendra Modi

It’s like the world had its people imprisoned inside their very own homes for two whole years! It was all because of that one virus which spread across the entire world, like some aliens had invaded the planet and started destroying everybody. The Earth had suffered a lot during the years 2019-2021, from that one alien ship, which in real life was the Covid-19 virus. It had killed so many people and affected the lives of millions. Everyone thought that this was the end, but it was not.
Out of all the 195 countries in the world, few countries emerged stronger in the fight against Covid-19. India was one of them leading the fight from the front. India not only took care of its own people but also helped other countries a lot to fight against the deadly virus, to protect mankind against this invisible enemy!
All the scientists and doctors of this country worked all day and all night to figure out the perfect vaccine to prevent the spread of this virus. India, which was regarded as the vaccination hub of the world was able to produce over 2.2 billion vaccines and was also able to deliver them safely to everyone. It was the fastest country to administer 1 billion vaccines in 9 months, via the national digital registration platform, Cowin. It was also able to administer 25 million vaccines in a day!
Because of India’s unforgettable contribution towards protecting the world, millions of lives were saved. This is just one of the reasons that reflects the resplendence of India in today’s world, as it had done so much for the world, following the ethos, “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, which meant:- “The world is one family.”

Ranveer Dhankar
Our country is a great land of culture and heritage. It is one of the most progressive economiesof the world. India is one of the largest countries by the economy, land area and population. Our country also has provided a large contribution to the growth of the world as most of its population is under the age of 24 making it one of the youngest countries in the world. India is also one of the few countries having different religions making it one of the most diverse countries in the world. Our country has almost every major religion like Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity. India also has the largest democracy in the world. India has also registered many achievements to its name even though it gained independence just 75 years ago.
Our country has achieved many medical accomplishments such as the eradication of smallpox, polio, etc. Indian culture is unique and is becoming extremely popular around the world. Many people have started adapting Indian culture in the form of clothing, beliefs, customs, ethics, social norms, art &crafts,technologies as well as many elements of Indian culture (like mathematics, philosophy, food, etc.). It also has one of the most powerful militaries in the world.
India's culture is the most distinctive and diverse in the world, India has also progressed quite a lot in the past few years in the form of infrastructure, technology, education and so much more.
It also has many laws against poaching hunting and has initiated many projects to save wildlife in the country. So I think that India is a resplendent country and has a lot of significance in the global world. On this note, we all should be proud to be Indians and always hope for the best for our country.
Jai Hind! And Happy Republic Day!

Prachi Prakash
VI - B
India is my motherland. My country is blessed with rich natural resources. It is one of the oldest civilizations. It has a long history of rich culture and tradition. It is a land of diversity, in terms of religion, geography, culture and tradition yet our national pride, the feeling of ‘oneness’ keeps us united. We are like different beads joined together by an invisible string.

India is the largest ‘democracy’ in the world. Ours is a country where people run their government, choose their own leader, and enjoy the freedom of speech and expression.We are truly republic in the sense that the Government is “for the people, of the people, and by the people”.

Agriculture in India is a way of life. Food is the main connecting bond between people all over country. There are around six lakh villages in our country. Nearly 70% of our population is engaged in this sector. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi:
“India is a land of villages
And its true spirit lives in rural areas.”
‘My country, my pride’ has made rapid strides in the fields of space, research, science, and technology. Yet there are a number of issues that needs to be addressed like 100 percent literacy, problems of overpopulation, pollution, poverty, child labour, etc.Nevertheless, my friends, I could see the light of the day when ‘India of My Dreams’ will become Neighbour’s Envy, Owner’s Pride. My country will then emerge as a ‘superpower’ in the world. Sustainable Development at all levels is the need of the hour.


VI - D
India known as Bharat, Hindustan and the Golden bird is the best example of Unity in Diversity. India's beauty is its diversity which makes it unique and famous. India is not only a nation, a country but also an emotion of billions of people living in it. India was once a nation having a rich culture but back in the past India became a slave of the British and they ruled in India for about 200 years and India got freedom in 1947.
Generation has revolved and made a lot of changes and will surely revolve and make a lot of changes in the future too. These changes have made our lives a hundred times better and easier but also there are many cons for this as well. India has been shining in this global world through many resources and these resources are not just non-existent but also existent who made the awesome creations of the world.
Starting with Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam who is known as the ‘Missile Man of India’ because he has carried a missile and launched India's dream. He was also the President of India from 2002 to 2007. He has been honoured with many prestigious awards like Bharat Ratna, Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan etc. Moving ahead with a world wide famous cosmetics brand owner, Vineeta Singh. She is one of the most famous entrepreneurs of the world and has done her education from Delhi Public School, New Delhi. She is now the Chief Directional Officer of her own company, Sugar Cosmetics. It was just a glimpse of some Indian personalities who have made India proud.
There are also many beautiful inventions which were done in India like paper, chess, film, electricity, radio, television and many more which are now very useful for all the people around the globe. Coming to the end, we realise that India is shining in its own way in this global world that has not only made the lives of all Indians easy but it has also made the lives of people around the world easier in a very unique way. This also tells us every person shines in their own way like different nations are special that makes the world diverse.

Parv Jain
VI - E
Seventy-Five years ago, India gained independence. At that time India was considered as one of the poorest countries in the world and had a rank of 132 in the world economy. But India has come a long way to secure the seventh place in the list of world’s richest countries and today, its GDP has increased to 3.7 trillion dollars or more than 37,00,00,00,00,00,00 rupees making it the sixth-largest economy around the globe.
India has not just grown bigger in terms of money, it also has grown in sports. Cricket and hockey are some of the sports that India is best at. India is at the second place in cricket and fourth place in hockey. And in football, Sunil Chhetri holds the third place. In Olympics, till date,India has won 35 medals- 10 Gold medals, 9 Silver medals and 16 Bronze medals.
In space development too, India has the second largest space agency in the world. India has also launched most of the robotic spacecrafts/rockets successfully. India is also the fourth country to join the elite club of developed nations who have managed to reach the Martian orbit and the first one to do on its maiden attempt.
“Saare Jahan Se Achha HindustanHumara”

Mahishtha Gautam
ResplendentistheperfectwordtodescribeIndiaasit is a developing economy.IndiahadthehighestGDPinthe 17th century AD without looting a single country in the past 7000 years. India'sGDP remained at its peak, but it started declining as the British came into thepicture. India contributes up to 29.99% to the world's GDP, but this isn't the only way it isgrowing.
India is known to be one of mostprogressiveeconomies around the globe, the fastest ever in history, afterbeing left withnothing but a nation divided into two independent dominions- India and Pakistan. From being acountryhaving thelowest GDPin 1940to beingthe 3rd largest economy of the worldby 2030, Indiahascome a long way.Whether we talk about its battling apandemicorthe subsequent financial crisis, India has always emerged victorious – outshining others.
India has been evolving in the field of sports. India is one of the powerhouses in hockey andhasreceivedmanyawardsin cricket and badminton.
The Indian Education System of more than 1.5 million schools, 8.5 million teachers, and 250million childrenisone ofthelargest in the world. India has thebest institute inthefieldofengineeringand management--- IIT Powai & IIM Ahmedabad. Indians have created many computersoftware and operating systems. India is steadily rising in the sector of science, working on theideologiesofSirVikramSarabhai.
Indiahas ranked66out of195countrieswithanoverallIndex scoreof42.8.India has developed drastically in a short period. Today a reader, tomorrow a leader is aproverb that fits best for India as all the leaders who were once readers lead the country suchthatnow weareon theleader board.
India is now generally comprehended as a diverse nation. Not only in one way or two but inmanyways, likeinterms of cuisines,ethnicwear, religions,languages spoken,etc.Indians havea liking for differenttypes of foodsandclothing,ortheyarefromdifferentreligions,butstill they always stay unitedinallsituations.Indiabeingdiversehas a captivatinghistory,cultureandart forms trailing behind,makingita veryfascinatingdestination toexplore.Inthisway,tourismbecomesasignificantfactorinIndia's economicgrowth.
“If there is one place on the face of this Earth where all the dreams of living men have foundahome fromthevery earliestdays when manbegan thedream of existence,it is India.”

Aarav Patnaik
India is a rapidly developing country with thefastest growing economy. It is now the world's sixth-largest economy, and it is projected to become one of the top three by 2030. The country has attracted a large amount of foreign investment, which has helped to fuel its economic growth. The growth has also been driven by a rising middle class and the adoption of digital technology. This economic expansion has been a major driver for job creation and has improved the standard of living of its several urban dwellers.
The economic growth has led to a number of positive developments in terms of social progress. For example, the country has made significant strides in reducing poverty and increasing access to education and healthcare. Additionally, there has been a significant increase in the number of women participating in the workforce, which has contributed to a rise in gender equality. This progress has been further supported by the government's efforts to provide better access to basic services and infrastructure to the people of India.
India has played an increasingly important role on the global stage, being a member of the G20, and a key player in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the BRICS group of nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). India is also a member of the United Nations, and it has been elected as a member of the Security Council multiple times. The country's increasing economic and political influence has also been reflected in its growing role in regional and international organizations.
However, India still faces challenges such as income inequality, high poverty rate, political corruption, and lack of transparency. Additionally, the country's infrastructure and public services are in need of improvement, especially in rural areas. These issues need to be addressed to ensure that the benefits of economic growth reach to all segments of the society and to create a more inclusive and equitable society. The government, private sector and civil society must work together to address these bottlenecks and to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth for all.

Avyukta Nawal
India, the largest democracy in the world, home to 18% of the world’s population, is a rising powerhouse and nuclear-armed state. It has emerged as an important regional power and an international voice.
India is considered a soft power and a potential superpower in the world. This potential is attributed to several factors, primarily the demographic profile as well as the rapidly increasing economic and military strength of the country. India is quietly laying claim to being an economic superpower on the world stage.
India has completed 75 years of independence. It has emerged as a nation that takes pride in its people's aspirations.The world looks forward to our country with pride and anticipation. The world looks towards India to solve its concerns. This change in the world is the result of our 75-years journey, with all its ups and downs.
The global world sees India in all its glory as we move forward with a firm resolution to make our mark in this world. The world looks to India with renewed vigour and hope.
India has a rich heritage and legacy. We Indians should be proud of our heritage. It is our heritage that shines through on the global platform. It is this very heritage that has stood the test of time. Our heritage embraces the new as well as the old, leading to new innovations and inventions.
Our diversity is our strength. We have innumerable cultures woven into our heritage. We have innumerable languages and traditions woven into our society. Yet at the end of the day, we are all Indians, and that is our strength. We need to carry forward this unity and solidarity, which is unique to our country and showcase our country in its most glorious form on the global platform.
Today, India is shining in the global world in every field, be it economy, military, sports, or education. The list is unending. The future only looks more promising for our country.
Thank you!

Vivaan Jain
India, also known as the land of diversity, has a rich cultural heritage and has made significant contributions to the world in various fields such as science, technology, philosophy, and spirituality. The country has been a land of great thinkers, innovators, and spiritual leaders, whose teachings and philosophies continue to inspire people around the world.
In the global world, India has the potential to be a leader in areas such as IT services, renewable energy, and sustainable development. The country has a large pool of highly skilled and educated workers, and its IT industry is one of the fastest-growing in the world. Additionally, the country's large population and growing middle class make it a significant market for various goods and services.
However, India also faces challenges such as poverty, corruption, and inadequate buildings. To truly shine on the global stage, India must address these issues and continue to focus on education, innovation, and economic growth. The government should focus on improving the standard of living of its citizens, especially for those living in rural areas, by providing better access to healthcare, educationand other necessities.
It is also important for India to maintain its unique cultural identity while embracing global perspectives. This can be achieved by promoting cultural exchange and collaboration, and by fostering an environment that encourages creativity and diversity. The government and private sector should work together to promote Indian culture, art, and traditions on the global stage, showcasing the country's rich heritage to the world.Overall, India has the potential to be a resplendent player in the global world, but it must continue to work towards addressing its challenges and promoting its strengths. By using the resources to its advantage and by leveraging its unique cultural heritage, India can become a leading nation in the global community, a true "Resplendent India" in the world.

Lakshya Jain

The tricolour country, India has the largest democracyand is the world’s fifth largest economy, with a nominal GDP of $3.8 trillion in 2022. Recently, India has overtaken the United Kingdom to become the fifth-largest economy, and so it continues to grow even more. India is also the only country in which the Fundamental Rights of the People are enshrined in the Constitution. From technology to wildlife, India stays ahead.
In technology, it is said that India is the largest tech hub, with $227 billion expected revenue in 2022. India has the highest number of real time payments made globally and has left China and other more advanced nations behind. India is quite far ahead when it comes to innovation and inventions. If we talk about Science and Technology, India has built satellites and sent probes to the Moon and Mars, established nuclear power stations, acquired nuclear weapon capability and demonstrated firepower in the form of a range of missiles. India continues to grow its tech hubs so that one day they will be able to compare them with the tech hubs in the USA, like Silicon Valley and many more.
In terms of wildlife, India is the only country that has both tigers and lions, apart from them, India has other wonderful animals like Indian elephants, Indian rhinoceroses, Bengal tigers, Asiatic lions, Indian leopards, snow leopards, clouded leopards and many more. India is home to 1500 tigers, accounting for 70% of the world's tiger population.
The country also has the highest number of official languages, which is 22. There is an estimate of 121 other languages. It is also home to one of the world’s oldest languages, Hindi. About 577.10 million people speak Hindi as their mother tongue, making it the most prevalent language in India. India has a number of religions too, it is the home of the four oldest religions: Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism. Hinduism is ranked third among the world's religions.In terms of architecture, India's Taj Mahal is one of the world's seven wonders and the Statue of Unity is the world's tallest statue, dedicated to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (India's first home minister after independence). To summarize, ‘Incredible India’ and ‘Make in India’ are campaigns with similar goals, namely to promote economic development in India. Their aim is to make India economically self-reliant so that it stands out among all the other nations of the world.
I am an Indian and we celebrate all festivals in every region of every religion. That is why it is called INCREDIBLE INDIA!

India, our country, is a democratic, secular nation. In a dictionary, ‘nation’ is defined as ‘a large body of people united by common descent, history, cultureor language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.’ India, however, being a ‘nation,’ is still diverse in history, culture, language and even climate. You can make a snowman in Kashmir, enjoy the windy, humid climate of Kanyakumari, or enter the great Thar Desert of Rajasthan, while staying in the same country. In India, 29 languages are spoken by more than one million people each. India has more than 1,650 dialects. Despite being a single film industry to the world outside, India produces films in around 21 languages.
Dr.B.R. Ambedkar, along with India’s constituent assembly, had made the constitution of India in 1949, which came into force on 26th January, 1950. This is why we celebrate Republic Day. The Indian Constitution has the record of being the largest and longest constitution in the world. It has 395 articles in 22 parts, 8 schedules and 145,000 words.
Other than being the most populated country, India has made great advancements in Math, Science and the invention of many things. Aryabhata invented the number zero, without which modern calculations would be impossible. Srinivasa Ramanujan had found the value of pi and created a formula related to it. India is also credited with inventing algebra, shampoo, chess, and diamond mining. Without these inventions, life would be impossible.
Indians have broken many records, whether it's identifying 60 DC characters in 1 minute, having the world’s largest solar tree, pulling a 12,000kg bus with hair, becoming the world's youngest yoga instructor, or doing the most finger push-ups in 1 minute.Our country has many unique places to visit, like a lake made by a meteor (Lona Lake, Maharashtra), anti-gravity hills (Magnetic Hill, Leh, Ladakh), the world’s only floating post office (Kashmir), and a village with no doors or locks (Shani Shingnapur, Maharashtra). All these reasonsmake India a unique and incredible countryand make it shine and be resplendent in the global world.
“India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother
of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grandmother of tradition”
- Mark Twain

Aadritri Singh
“Our nation is like a tree of which the original trunk is swarajya and the branches are swadeshi and boycott.”-Bal Gangadhar Tilak

What makes India so rich and lively? It is its heritage, culture, history and diversity that makes it so radiant. India is also home to 1.4 billion people, making it the world’s largest democracy. People of different races, religions, castes, cultures and faith live together in harmony. They celebrate festivals together, share trade relations with each other and maintain peace. Moreover, it is a secular, socialist, sovereign and democratic republic. This means that every person, regardless of their physical qualities, economic background and social background are treated as equal and get to select their own leader by voting. There are over twenty-two languages spoken in India today and over fifty festivals that are celebrated within the country. It also witnesses much of its diversity in its culinary tradition. There is an endless number of local recipesthat can be found here ranging from the famous Punjab’s butter chicken to Assam’s unexplored ParorMangxo.
If we take a closer look at its history, we can see that there have been many struggles in the country for which it has made gallant efforts to stand back up. There were several freedom struggles and movements forgaining Independence initiated by our valorous heroes – the freedom fighters of India. India also has noble and courageous individuals who take up new challenges.
There are also friendly gestures that Indians do like joining their hands to say Namaste—a traditional way of greeting people that has been in the Indian culture for many centuries. They also reach down and touch their elders’ feet as a way to show respect to them. Furthermore, they bless their younger ones by placing their palm on the head of the younger ones’ and giving them ‘Ashirwad’.
All over the country, there are different monuments representing the rich historical heritage that we are gifted with. The Taj Mahal, situated in Agra is one of the seven wonders of the world and is a UNESCO world heritage site. It is considered to be the greatest architectural design in the whole range of Indo-Islamic architecture.

Expressing Opinionon Republic Day
From mountains to deserts, India offers it all. Every traveler who visits the country immediately falls in love with the friendly locals, diverse traditions, and flavourful Indian food. The country is also famous for its spirituality and holy wisdom as it is the birthplace of Buddha. With so many aspects of a region being combined to make a country, it plays a significant role in maintaining unity.This Republic Day, on 26 January, we should remember our great freedom fighters who sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears for their nation. We should also celebrate the fact that our country has a constitution that has laws which serve justice to the citizens. We are responsible for keeping our country’s tradition alive, let us take pride in its development.
Role of India in the Globe: Its influence across the world
India plays an important role in shaping the world, with its growing economy and population, we can witness vast talent and opportunities. It has become so prominent by having an economic and political presence in all major continents. It has strong ties with the East and South Asian countries, along with European nations. In North America, the country is viewed as a place with innumerable opportunities for jobs and education. Moreover, in Latin America, India poses to be a potential partner in the areas such as trade, infrastructure and renewable energy.
As one of the founding members of the NAM-Non-Aligned Movement, India has always been a strong supporter of the United Nations and has worked in all directions to promote peace and harmony across the globe. It is also a key member of many international organizations like East Asia Summit, World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, G20 and IBSA Dialogue Forum. It is a nuclear-armed nation with one of the largest militaries in the world. The country is also the second-largest donor of external aids in the world, contributing more than seventy billion dollars to the developing countries.
