7 Relevant Questions Your Toddler Needs to Prepare for Nursery Admissions

Prepare your toddler for pre nursery admission in Gurgaon with key questions and tips. Learn how to ease the transition into pre nursery schools and private schools in Gurgaon.


Getting ready for pre nursery admission in Gurgaon is an exciting time for you and your child. It’s a big step, and you want to make sure your little one is as prepared as possible. To help with this transition, here are seven important questions your toddler should be ready to answer. These questions can help your child feel more confident during their visit to pre nursery schools in Gurgaon.

1. What is your name?

This is usually the first question asked during nursery admissions. It helps the interviewer see if your child can recognize and say their own name. You can make this practice fun by turning it into a game. Repeat their name in different activities, so they get comfortable saying it clearly.

2. How old are you?

Knowing their age is important for children. This question helps the school understand where your child is developmentally. Use a birthday chart or celebrate their age each year to help them remember. Making it part of daily life will make it easier for them to recall.

3. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

This question is about learning more about your child’s family. Encourage your child to talk about their siblings, including their names and ages. It’s a great way to get your child comfortable talking about their family.

4. What is your favorite color?

Knowing colors is often expected at nursery admissions. Teach the color names with practical examples from everyday life. For example, during playtime or while reading, talk about different colors. Coloring books and sorting games can help reinforce their knowledge in a fun way.

5. What is your favorite animal?

Talk about animals they like and why. Visit a zoo or watch animal shows to expand their knowledge. This will help them articulate their preferences clearly during the admissions process.

6. Can you sing a nursery rhyme or tell a short story?

Nursery rhymes are a key part of early education. Encourage your child to learn a few nursery rhymes or simple stories. This practice not only boosts their memory and language skills but also helps them feel confident speaking in front of others. Use actions or puppets to make this activity more engaging.

7. What are your future ambitions?

This question helps children think about their dreams. Discuss various professions with your child, discuss minute details and ask them what interests them! This can lead to fun conversations and help them express their thoughts clearly during the interview.

Tips for Preparing Your Toddler

  • Create a Comfortable Environment

Ensure your child feels at ease while discussing these questions. Practice at home in a relaxed setting. Turning it into a game rather than a formal interview can reduce anxiety.

  • Use Play-Based Learning

Incorporate learning into play. Use toys, books, and games to teach about colors, shapes, and numbers. For example, building blocks can be used to talk about shapes, while memory games can help improve recall abilities.

  • Encourage Social Skills

Organize play dates and help your child build a social circle. Practicing sharing, taking turns, and communicating with peers are key for nursery school.

  • Read Together

Reading together is important. Choose books that are interactive, asking questions about the story or identifying colors and shapes. This will help enhance your child's language skills and build up his vocabulary sense.

  • Visit the School

If possible, visit the nursery school before the admissions interview. Familiarizing your child with the environment can help ease any anxiety. It makes the new setting feel more familiar.

  • Stay Positive

Your attitude towards the nursery admissions process will affect your child’s feelings. Stay positive and encouraging. Reassure them that it’s a fun opportunity to make new friends and learn new things.


Preparing your toddler for pre nursery admission in Gurgaon involves more than just answering questions. It’s about building their confidence and making them feel secure. This preparation will not only aid them during the admissions process but also lay a strong foundation for their future in private schools in Gurgaon.

For more insights, call St Xaviers High School, Sector 49 in Gurgaon.

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